Thinking of Hiring a Home Watch Service?

If you’re flocking north for the season or taking an extended vacation, scheduling a regular Home Watch Service will give you peace-of-mind while you’re away.

Our Home Watch Service is a valuable service that helps protect your home and property through regular onsite inspections to ensure there are no signs of immediate or potential damage or danger. We’re your eyes and ears while you are away and can be scheduled for any frequently desired. Your home watch visit is tailored to your specific needs.

Exterior Inspection:

  • Collect mail, packages, door-hangers, newspapers, lawn signs

  • Signs of vandalism and/or forced entry through doors and windows

  • Pool and spa are being cared for (cleaned, adequate water levels)

  • Lawn and landscaping is being maintained

  • Trash/Recycling to the curb and back inside

Interior Inspection:

  • Major signs of mold/mildew

  • Visual signs of pest infestation

  • Signs of leaks or water damage

  • Air conditioner is cooling properly

  • Run water through sinks, showers/tubs, flush toilets

  • Check electrical panel for tripper breakers

  • Water plants inside

  • Rotate lights

  • Visit property post-storm as needed/requested

  • Meet and provide access to service providers: contractor, utility representative, repairmen, delivery services, realtor, decorators, etc.

  • Accept/sign for scheduled deliveries

PREVENT & HANDLE ISSUES: Having an insured and bonded company keeping an eye on your property is a decision of a responsible homeowner. Leaving your home unattended for months or even a week could lead to all types of disasters including leaks, pest infestation, or vandalism. Catching a minor issue now can keep it from turning into a major issue.

LEGAL CONCERNS: Some mortgages and homeowners insurance policies require that an unoccupied home be checked on a regular basis. If a problem arises they may decline your claim if you can’t show proof of your home’s caretaker. For example, certain policies have a Water Damage 14-Day Exclusion which means if water damage takes place to your uninhabited home and it was found over 14 days after the damage occurred the claim would be denied. They will choose a trained professional to determine when the damage happened and the results are often not in the favor of the homeowner.

SAFETY: Having your vacant home appear “lived-in and tidy” by our home watch service will help deter potential break-ins and damage from happening.

HONEY-DO LIST: It can be hard to decide when to get your pool resurfaced or bedroom painted especially in your “snow-bird” home since you are only there to enjoy it for part of the year. Many people decide to have work done in their absence so they can return home to their stress-free homestead (no more living in a construction zone)!

Our home watch company can aid in opening your home for the service personnel, remaining on the premises to maintain security if requested, securing your home when work is completed, and reporting back to you on the progress and any issues that may have arisen.

Home Watch can even attend walk-throughs with inspectors and realtors for those selling their house from a distance.

STORMS: Many of us are glued to our weather app when a hurricane is approaching and it can be a helpless feeling to watch a storm heading towards your property when you’re away. Our home watch service can ease your worries knowing that we are there to prep your home for the storm and survey your home for damage once the storm passes.

PEACE OF MIND: Homeowners can finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing they have a reliable and professional company to count on!

Glad Wags

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