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How To Check Your Pets for Ticks and Fleas 

Keeping your pet healthy and comfortable means being proactive about potential pests like ticks and fleas, especially if they are outdoors often.  

Pet-related fleas and ticks are common parasites that live on animals like dogs and cats, feeding on their blood. Fleas can cause itching, skin irritation, and allergic reactions, while ticks are known for transmitting diseases. These tiny parasites can cause big problems if left unnoticed, so knowing how to check your pet regularly is essential. 



Tick Remover (left) and Flea Comb (right)

  • Flea Comb 

  • Tick Remover/Tweezers 

  • Magnifying glass (optional) 

  • Gloves (optional) 

  • Container/Bags (to place tick after removal) 

Check Skin: 

Ticks often attach themselves firmly to the skin. 

Gently feel through your pet’s coat with your fingers, then run a flea comb through your pet’s fur, especially in thick or long areas. Fleas can get trapped in the comb’s teeth, allowing you to remove them. This will not only help you spot them but will also give you a chance to see any signs of irritation. 

  • Fleas: Look for small, deep brown or black specks moving in the fur. You might also see "flea dirt," which are tiny black specks that look like ground pepper.  


  • Ticks: Ticks are larger, often gray, or brown, and can be the size of a sesame seed or larger when engorged with blood. They might be found attached to your pet’s skin, typically around the ears, around their eyes, underarms, bellies, or between the toes. 


NexGard is a once monthly chewable supplement that prevents and protects dogs from ticks, fleas and parasites.

Removing Fleas and Ticks: 

  • For Fleas: If you find fleas, use a flea shampoo, or consult your vet about the best flea treatments. You can also use flea medication or collars as a preventive measure. 


  • For Ticks: Use a pair of tweezers or a tick-removal tool to grab the tick close to your pet’s skin and pull it out gently, placing it into a sealed bag/container so that it does not escape. Avoid twisting the tick to prevent leaving parts of the tick behind. Dispose of the tick properly and monitor the bite site for any signs of infection. 


After handling ticks, fleas, or anything your pet may have been exposed to, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 



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Tips to Keep Your Cat from Scratching Your Furniture

You're not alone if your cat’s scratching is ruining your furniture! In this post, we’ll explore simple and practical solutions to protect your home while keeping your feline friend happy.

Keep the Environment Stimulating 

Cats scratch to release energy. Interactive toys, perches, climbing spots, and hiding places will mentally and physically stimulate your cat and reduce the likelihood of scratching furniture out of boredom. 

Trim Your Cat’s Claws Regularly 

While this does not eliminate the behavior, regularly trimming your cat’s claws reduces the damage they may cause.

Cover Furniture with Protective Materials 

Use protective furniture covers on common scratching spots, such as the corners of sofas, to reduce the wear and tear on your furniture. Cats dislike sticky surfaces, so double-sided tape may be applied as a furniture asset to keep them away. 

Offer Scratching Materials 

Redirect your cat to scratching materials such as scratching posts or a cat tree to avoid scratching on furniture.    

Feliway Diffusers 

Feliway is a product that mimics feline pheromones and can calm your cat. A calm environment and a Feliway scent plug nearby may reduce your cat's urge to scratch furniture by helping it feel more comfortable. 

Refer to our post about Cat Scratchers and When to Replace Them, to find out more about the timeline of some scratchers! 

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A Guide To Verbal Cat Communication

Welcome to the purr-fect world of feline linguistics! Cat boast an impressive vocabulary of up to 21 distinct vocalizations, each a note in the symphony of cat communication. It's not just meows and purrs; it's a real language that can be as complex as a human conversation.

Welcome to the purr-fect world of feline linguistics! Cats boast an impressive vocabulary of up to 21 distinct vocalizations, each a note in the symphony of cat communication. It's not just meows and purrs; it's a real language that can be as complex as a human conversation.

Not all cats are born chatterboxes. Some, like the Maine Coons, tend to be part of the quieter breeds, while others, like the Siamese, are the talkative kitties of the feline universe.

Meowing: The signature soundtrack of feline communication! Kittens use it to summon their moms, but in adulthood, it becomes the cat's go-to language for humans. From greetings to playtime requests, expressions of excitement or frustration, to demanding attention, food, or room access – meows are the most popular of the cat communication world.

Purring: In the world of feline communication, there's one sound that reigns supreme – the purr! This sound is typically an indicator that your kitty is in a state of bliss—think lounging in a warm sunbeam or receiving chin scratches while sitting on their human’s lap. Interestingly, cats purr at a frequency between 25-150 Hertz, known to have therapeutic effects on bones and tissues. Beyond contentment, they may purr to self-heal, reduce stress, and even communicate with humans. The unique purring sound originates from the cat's laryngeal muscles rapidly contracting and relaxing.

Trilling: A trill is a high-pitched musical sound made by some cats during specific situations. Cats reserve this delightful sound for greetings and thanking their human admirers, often for treats or affection. They may also use this when communicating to their favorite feline sibling. It's the cat's way of saying, "You're my favorite."

Chirping: Initially, chirping is a mother cat's call to her kittens, adult cats also use chirps to grab attention and share their whereabouts. When faced with tantalizing prey outside the window, a chirp signifies excitement, tinged with a dash of frustration.

Chattering: Have you ever caught your cat silently chattering away? It's not Morse code; it's their voiceless jaw clash, usually reserved for spotting prey out of reach. It's the rhythm of their imaginary hunt.

Growling and Hissing: Growling is a low rumble signaling threats and impending feline fury. Hissing, its dramatic cousin, is the involuntary response to a surprise threat. Both come with a side of fear-inducing body language – arched back, flattened ears, twitching tail, and the classic Halloween cat posture. When the growls and hisses start, heed the cat's message: "Step back, I'm not in the mood!"

Spitting: More intense than a hiss, this explosive burst signals a peak threat situation. It's the cat's way of saying, "Seriously, back off!" – accompanied by a swift, lashing-out movement for added drama.

Yowling and Howling: Imagine a cat's meow on steroids, and you've got yowling – a prolonged, distressed sound. Howling is its shorter cousin. These are the sirens of cat communication, indicating physical or emotional distress. Separation anxiety, pain, or just a need for attention – it's their way of belting out their feelings.

Caterwauling: A loud, long whine reserved for unspayed females in heat. Directed at human family members, it's their expression of pain, discomfort, fear, or a blatant demand for attention.

In this enchanting world of feline sounds, any change in frequency, intensity, duration, or pitch is your cat's SOS. A trip to the vet might be in order, and for some, a dash of anxiety or pain meds could be the magical remedy. So, listen closely, fellow cat enthusiasts, for in their symphony of sounds, your furball's story unfolds, one delightful meow at a time!


Modern Cat


Smithsonian Magizine

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11 Holiday Safety Tips For Your Pet

As the holiday season approaches, our homes transform into bustling hubs of celebration. Among the twinkling lights and festive feasts, it's essential to remember the well-being of our beloved pets. While they eagerly partake in the holiday excitement, their safety must remain a priority.

Mind the Decorations: Holiday decorations can be fascinating to our pets but can also be dangerous. Keep a close eye on tinsel, ribbon, and small ornaments that could be choking hazards. Opt for pet-friendly decorations and secure larger ones out of your pet's reach.

Create a Calm Retreat: Holiday gatherings can be overwhelming for pets with all the noise and commotion. Designate a quiet, safe space where your furry friend can retreat when they need a break. Provide comfortable bedding, water, and their favorite comfort items to make it an inviting, relaxing place.

Watch the Door: Holiday gatherings mean more people coming and going from your home. Keep an eye on your pets near the door, as they may try to slip outside, especially if they're anxious or curious about the guests.

Secure the Trash: The aroma of holiday leftovers can be irresistible to pets. Ensure trash cans are securely closed or kept in a pet-proof area to prevent scavenging, which can lead to digestive issues.

Pet-Proof Your Feast: Be cautious about what your pets consume while indulging in holiday feasts. Many human foods, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, and alcohol, can be toxic to pets. A trigger for pancreatitis in our furry friends often stems from the consumption of high-fat foods. During holiday seasons, this can include indulgences such as turkey (especially the skin), fatty leftovers, gravy, bacon, and dishes with butter. Keep festive foods out of their reach and discourage guests from feeding them table scraps. Never give your pet cooked bones. Bones can splinter into shards that injure your pet's mouth and digestive tract. They can also harden in their intestines, causing a blockage.

Be Cautious with Candles: If you're using candles for ambiance, place them out of your pet's reach. Curious pets can knock them over and cause fires or burns. Consider using flameless, battery-operated candles as a safer alternative.

Limit Access to Electrical Cords: Holiday lights and decorations often come with electrical cords that can attract pets. Use cord covers or secure them in a way that keeps your pets from chewing on them, which can lead to electrical shock.

Avoid Harmful Plants: Certain holiday plants, like poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly, can be toxic to pets if ingested. Keep them away, or consider using artificial alternatives to keep your pets safe and your home festive. Curious about which other plants are harmful to your pets? Click here to find out!

Introduce Your Pet to New Faces: If you're hosting guests, especially those with children or other pets, ensure proper introductions with your own pets. Some pets may be anxious around unfamiliar faces, so a gradual introduction can help ease tension. Remind guests, especially children, how to properly interact with your pet to avoid potential anxiety in your pet that may result in a reactive bite or scratch. If your pet isn't fond of company, escort them to their safe space and check on them during the event.

On The Road Again: If the holiday takes you on a road trip, make sure your pet is wearing proper identification, a harness that is secured to a tether or doggy seat belt (do not attach any restraint directly to their collar), or place them in their crate (secured to the vehicle in the event of an accident). Bring food/treats, bowls, water, leash, potty supplies, blanket, medication, first-aid kit, toys, and vet documents. Create a list of emergency vets along your route in case of emergency or illness.

Exercise Your Pal: Be mindful of your pet's need for proper exercise during the busy season. Create a schedule that allows time to care for your pet, or call your local pet-sitting company for assistance!


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Cat, Cat Safety, Dog, Dog Safety Glad Wags Cat, Cat Safety, Dog, Dog Safety Glad Wags

How To Dog Proof Your Home While You're Away

Whether your dog is a puppy, a newly adopted pup, or a dog that’s been part of the family for years, be sure to add, “dog proof the house” to your to-do list before you’re off on your next vacation. Doing so can save you money on household damages or even more importantly, a trip to the vet when you buddy “got into something. No worries, we’ve got you covered!

Whether your dog is a puppy, a newly adopted pup, or a dog that’s been part of the family for years, be sure to add, “dog proof the house” to your to-do list before you’re off on your next vacation. Doing so can save you money on household damages or even more importantly, a trip to the vet when you buddy “got into something.

No worries, we’ve got you covered:

Sweet pup anxiously awaiting his treat from his Glad Wags’ sitter.

Nom-noms: Stash away all food, including their own, so they aren’t tempted to counter-surf. Pay close attention to hiding away toxic foods such as chocolate, avocados, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, and garlic. For a more complete list of toxic foods, visit the ASPCA website by clicking here .

PRO TIP: If you are the parent to an expert counter-surfer, consider putting foil on your countertops. Once Buddy places his paws on the loud material he will be less inclined to continue. You might also try lining your countertop with double-stick tape. Pups don’t like the sticky tape and are likely to stay away.

Get to the point: Securely put away anything sharp that your little rascal may snatch up such as knives, scissors, razors, blades from a blender or food processor, box cutters, and pins.

Sweat the small stuff: Twist ties, bread clips, rubber bands, batteries, buttons, hair-ties, jewelry, thread, crafts, or anything tiny can be enticing to a doggo who is left unattended. Although these things seem harmless, they can get lodged in your pup’s throat or digestive tract.

Lakewood Ranch is full of beauty, even on the side of a neighbor’s recycling bin!

A load of rubbish: Secure your trash cans! Take the trash out before you leave or figure out a way to keep Buddy’s nose out of the trash’s business. Some common solutions are putting it in a pantry/cabinet or placing a gate around it.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget about the small trash bins in bathrooms and offices; these can be even more dangerous because they don’t often have a lid and can contain dangerous items such as floss or old razors!

Down to the wire: Cords, wires, and chargers are popular items for pups to chew on and can be very dangerous as they can electrocute and burn your fur-friend. If possible, unplug any devices that your pup will have access to. Consider tucking the cords under cord concealers or completely removing the items from the room. It may be a time consuming task but this is a very important one!

PRO TIP: If you think your pup will mess with the outlets, try using outlet covers.

Comfy cozy: Pups can look at blankets, rugs, and fabric armrest coverings as big toys. If you think Buddy will go after the couch cushions and pillows, block off couches with dining chairs or limit their access to rooms with these pieces.

Dapper boy is always stylin’ in one of his bow-ties!

Best dressed: Depending on what type of packer you are, you might leave your clothes spread out on the floor or leave behind a pile of dirty laundry in your hamper. We won’t add “do laundry” to your to-do-list but at least put all your clothing out of reach from your pup, particularly dirty laundry. They enjoy working on (aka chewing on) buttons, strings, and zippers, stinky socks, and the all-time favorite….shoes! Save your clothes, shoes, and your dog’s intestines and stow these types of things far from reach.

Pick your poison: Our homes are filled with toxic hazards such as cleaners, detergents, bleach, moth balls, pesticides, medications, cosmetics, perfumes, and toiletries. Keep these types of items far, far away from your solo pup. Put them in a closet they do not have access to or a high cabinet that has some type of lock on it. Check out these child-proof cabinet locks that can also be used for nosey noses snooping around.

Fast friends: If you have small critters in the house, such as fish or hamsters, think about moving them to a new location if you aren’t sure how your pup might do alone with them.

Having a snooze after her outside time.

Beauty sleep: Some owners like leaving their bedroom open for access during their time away because Buddy likes having a snooze on their bed. Some canines love to tear up anything soft (uh, have you seen what they can do to a stuffie toy) so not granting them access to your bedroom would be ideal. But, if you are still adamant about having them keep your bunk warm, remove your pillows, quilts, comforters, sheets to spare them from becoming the next casualty!

Potty mouth: Shut your toilet lids! Although your pup doesn't care about manners, the latrine lid should stay closed. The chemicals used to clean the toilet can make a thirsty pup very sick. Tiny pups could even drown in the bowl! If your headstrong bud knows how to lift the seat, try one of these nifty devices.

PRO TIP: As gross as it is, Buddy might raid the cat’s litter box. If this is on your dog’s favorite foods list, find a home for the box that Buddy can’t get to.

Blind spot: Vertical blinds, particularly ones made of fabric, sway side to side and can become quite a tempting toy! Block these strips with chairs if possible.

Playtime with one of his favorite toys!

Toy story: Leaving Buddy’s toys out is very important but if your pup is likely to rip up their toys (which is fine) first remove any squeakers, strings, and stuffing, if you believe your pup will consume it after it’s ripped up.

Reality TV: Hide your remotes!! You’ll thank us.

Pretty as a picture: Figurines, vases, and any decor that is within reach (even as high as your dog can reach on his hind legs) should find a new home while you’re away.

Arts & crafts: Have you ever seen what a pup can do with newspapers, magazines, books, cash money, paper towels, napkins, or toilet paper? They can create homemade confetti in seconds flat! Double check that you put away all these tempting paper products.

Fresh Air: Air fresheners & candles are a big “no-no” for pets when home alone. Your pup is more important than a nice smelling house.

Handsome Havanese posing during a Glad Wags’ walk.

Green thumb: Many pet owners are the parents to indoor house plants too but you will be disappointed to find your plants dug up and even consumed. Move these plants to an off-limits room, even succulents are fair game to Buddy! Non-toxic plants can still cause lesions in the digestive tract. For a full list of toxic plants, check out our Toxic Plants and Flowers To Avoid For Dogs And Cats blog.

Off limits: If doggie proofing your home is still not enough to save your stuff, try limiting the space in which your dog is allowed to roam. Close doors and only allow access to the main living area. If you need to limit space even further, put your pup in a large penned area of the house.

PRO TIP: Remember that a tired dog is a good dog so be sure to use a sitter who can tire your dog out physically and mentally.

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Cat, Cat Safety, Dog, Dog Safety Glad Wags Cat, Cat Safety, Dog, Dog Safety Glad Wags

Toxic Plants and Flowers To Avoid For Dogs And Cats

As a pet parent, it’s very important to be knowledgeable about which plants and flowers could be dangerous to your puppy pals and feline friends. Below is a list of the most common toxic plants that are dangerous for pets to consume.

Please note, this is not a complete list of all poisonous plants.


As a pet parent, it’s very important to be knowledgeable about which plants and flowers could be dangerous to your puppy pals and feline friends. Below is a list of the most common toxic plants that are dangerous for pets to consume.

Please note, this is not a complete list of all poisonous plants.

Arrow-Head Vine
Arum Lily
Australian Nut
Autumn Crocus
Bay Laurel
Bead Tree
Bird of Paradise
Buddhist Pine
Burning Bush
Calla Lily
Cape Jasmine
Cardinal Flower
Castor Bean

Coontie Palm
Creeping Charlie
Easter Rose
Eastern Star
Elephant Ears
Fern Palm
Flamingo Flower
Heavenly Bamboo
Horse Chestnut
Indian Hemp

Klamath Weed
Lemon Grass
Lenten Rose
Maidens Breath
Morning Glory
Perennial Pea
Poison Daisy
Poison Hemlock

Poison Parsnip
Prayer Bean
Ranger's Button
Red Emerald
Red Maple
Ribbon Plant
Rock Moss
Running Myrtle
Sabi Star
Sago Palm
Silver Dollar
Snake Lily
Spanish Thyme
Spindle Tree
Spring Parsley
Starch Root
Sweet Pea
Weeping Fig
White Heads
Wild Arum

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: 888-426-4435

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The Best Pet Care In The Industry

Choosing care for your pet is important and can become a stressful task once you start reviewing all the options that are available. Finding a person, company, or facility that possesses a love for animals is a given but what about the other aspects that makes up quality pet care. Let’s break it down!

Company Employee - Independent Contractor
Solo Sitter - App Sitter - Boarding Facility

Choosing the appropriate care for your pet is essential and can become a stressful undertaking once you start reviewing all of the options available. It’s a given that the pet sitter you choose should possess a love for animals, but there are many other important considerations when hiring a pet sitter.

PROFESSIONAL IN-HOME PET CARE BUSINESS (that hires “employees”) - The Gold Standard

Professional pet care businesses, like Glad Wags, are owned and operated by a certified professional pet sitter through Pet Sitter’s International (PSI). PSI is the world’s largest and most respected authority on pet sitting and the leading association for professional pet sitters. They provide their members with the most up-to-date, on-going education and resources. This knowledge translates to exceptional, 5-star care for your pet. Benefits to hiring a professional pet care business, include:

  • The ability to leave your pet in the comfort of their own home without interrupting their routine, and where they feel safest.

  • In-home care means that your pet is not exposed to potential viruses often found in boarding facilities, such as kennel cough or influenza, nor the possibility of injuries associated with a group setting while boarding.

  • This type of premium care also includes one-on-one companionship for your pet and the ability to tend to their unique needs, such as administering medications or preparing their special meal.

  • A pet sitting company’s team of sitters are insured, bonded, background-checked, trained by field management staff, and accountable to the company for each visit provided.

  • A team of sitters allows for pet care 365-days a year. If one sitter is on vacation, or ill, or has a personal emergency, other sitters on the team who know and love your pet are able to continue care without interruption. Back-ups are key in finding reliable pet care; something a solo sitter cannot provide.

  • Long-term relationships are built between the company’s owner, sitters, the client, and their pet that are built on communication, accessibility, reliability, and trust.

  • Pet owners will enjoy the convenience and efficiency of sophisticated technology that enables online scheduling, payments by credit card, text-like communication feeds, real-time visit reports with engaging, quality photos through a pet sitting software program and mobile app.

  • While you’re away, your home will never appear that you’re not home. We will collect mail/packages/newspapers, maintain trash, water plants, rotate lights, and keep your home secure.


Hire a company with employees versus independent contractors. There is a major difference between companies that hire employees as pet sitters versus independent contractors as pet sitters. Namely, a business with employees is able to control the way their sitters perform their job, meaning the type of care they provide.


Glad Wags hires employees only. We work closely together as a team when caring for all of our clients’ pets.

Lead sitter, Amanda, taking a play break with a wild pup.

Lead sitter, Amanda, taking a play break with a wild pup.

  • We provide Workers Compensation to our employees in case of an injury on the job. This type of insurance cannot be provided to independent contractors, the contractor may elect to obtain it themselves, but most do not.

  • We contribute to social security, medicare, and unemployment.

  • We carry liability insurance and bonding.

  • We manage, train, coach, and mentor our employees for consistency of care. By law, this type of guidance cannot be provided to or required of independent contractors as they are essentially a hired 3rd party company.

  • Glad Wags field management is always available to our employee team for back up and emergency care should it be needed.

  • Pet sitting companies with employees show integrity. By law, a pet sitting company that contracts their pet sitting services is illegally misclassifying their workers as independent contractors when in fact they should be classified as employees, and the company is then required to contribute to social security, medicare, and unemployment taxes.


An independent contractor hired by a pet sitting company essentially has their own pet care business. They are then hired to care for a pet sitting company’s clientele. Why is this an issue?:

Glad Wags sitter, Ann, giving love to a puppy client.

Glad Wags sitter, Ann, giving love to a puppy client.

  • According to the IRS classification of independent contractors, they are not legally allowed to be trained or managed by a company hiring them. They can establish their own “standard”.

  • They are not required, by law, to follow the pet sitting company’s policies and procedures and are legally free to care for your pet however they please and whenever they please.

  • Contractors have little supervision and cannot be told how to handle your pet. They are not required to report to a visit at a certain time and can shorten or change visits that you have requested. They can even subcontract the visits and send another person into your house without notifying you or the company you hired!


When a pet owner considers going out of town, boarding at a kennel is a popular option they consider. At a kennel, pets are fed and housed (crated), looked after in a facility by various staff members that your pet does not know. Potential issues that arise from this type of care, include:

Parrot client calm and happy in his cozy home.

Parrot client calm and happy in his cozy home.

  • Various required vaccinations in order to stay at the facility. In-home care eliminates this requirement, owners can choose to vaccinate as they choose.

  • Even with vaccinations, an increased possibility that viruses and bacteria, such as kennel cough and influenza, may be transmitted to your pet.

  • There is an increased possibility that your pet will experience an injury due to exposure to many other dogs with free rein in an enclosed space with little supervision. Depending on the facility, there could be as many as 80-100 dogs with free rein on any given day, particularly during the holidays.

  • Increased anxiety for your pet is likely, and the possibility of a lifelong fear of other dogs is also possible due to exposure to so many dogs day after day. This is a particularly unpleasant environment for puppies and senior dogs.

  • The stress of a pet being away from their family, home, and daily routine often has a lasting effect.

  • Pet owners will be charged for “additional services” such as medication administration, a solo walk, late pick-up, and much more. In most facilities, you will even have to pay extra to have your dog petted.

  • Owners have the burden of transporting their pet and their supplies to and from the facility and are tied to the facility’s drop-off and pick-up times, as opposed to having their calm pet waiting for them at home when they return.


Known by many names, “hobby-sitter”, “solo-sitter”, “gig worker”, or even a friend or neighbor is a person who provides pet sitting services either in your house, or their home as a side job or for a little additional income. Although you might find comfort in choosing a person who you know well, there are many issues that arise when using this type of pet care, such as:

Senior client enjoying his walk through his neighborhood.

Senior client enjoying his walk through his neighborhood.

  • Likely that the sitter does not carry liability insurance, bonding or workman’s comp insurance.

  • The sitter may not be educated in pet care, and have little pet experience.

  • Sitters tend to have other jobs or obligations (i.e., husband, kids, parents), making your pet’s care not their top priority.

  • Sitter is often unavailable, especially for last-minute requests and holidays, because they are already booked with another pet or they are tied up with their own personal obligations, work schedule, or most likely they “don’t work holidays”.

  • In the event of a sitter emergency, injury, or illness, sitter does not have a back-up sitter to continue care for your pet if they are suddenly out-of-commission. This is particularly bad when you are out of town, or out of the country.

  • Sitters tend not to follow professional procedures, policies, and protocols that keep your pet healthy and safe and ensure the care that is being provided to them is exactly what you wanted.

  • Owner is unable to use professional pet sitting software, to schedule, communicate through a portal, and pay with a credit card if desired.


Perky Westies taking a post-walk rest on their favorite couch!

Perky Westies taking a post-walk rest on their favorite couch!

App companies such as Rover and Wag are well-known because of their marketing but they are not professional pet sitting companies. They are e-commerce websites where services are provided by multiple third parties (“Sitters”). These referral-type websites do not meet the actual “sitters”, they are independent contractors (not employees) and the App cannot control a standard of care. It is up to the pet owner to do due diligence for the safety and well-being of their pet and the security of their home, but sadly many do not.

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